

Cruising coordinator: Vacant

Email:  sailing@eastcowessc.co.uk

ECSC are currently looking to recruit a volunteer cruising representative who will report to RC sailing with the aim to encourage the cruising activities of the club sail or Power.

Cruising with ECSC

Medium to pocket-sized cruising yachts are well represented in the club. Club members vary in experience from complete novices, through weekend family sailors to veteran ocean passage-makers.

The club welcomes new cruising members from any background with any class of boat. We encourage all-comers (sail or power) to participate in club rallies.

There are a couple of opportunities, over the season, to join organised cruises in the company of other yachts and motor boats.

Prizes are awarded annually for the best log and most interesting cruise.

Postcards, Souvenir Logs, Passage Race Reports, and Newsletter Cruising Articles