Report from the Marchwood Sailing Club Rally 11th/12th/13th August 2018
Regatta poster 2018
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Fishing competition 2-9-18 (1)
Dinghy Cruising at East Cowes SC As an owner of a Wayfarer dinghy at the club I would be interested in organising regular or ad-hoc cruises in the company of our other sailing dinghies. Sailing in company provides collective safety, inspires adventures further afield and can be fun. I was thinking we could just set Read more about Dinghy Cruising at East Cowes SC[…]
Thanks are due to Dave Casson (pictured) and John Barnes for sourcing our new (to us) workhorse. Due to concerns with issues of safety when moving boats on cradles in the yard. The Committee decided to invest in a used Kubota compact tractor. Similar to the ones used by the RNLI. These machines rarely become Read more about Replacement Tractor Arrives[…]