
Motorboats & Fishing

Rear Commodore Motorboats & Fishing: Mike Harvey


Bob with his thornback caught Cod caught in April 

The East Cowes SC has a very active fishing section with competitions organised for most months.  If you fancy entering any of our competitions, take a look at our Fishing League rules

And if you are lucky enough to caught something huge, you might need to record your record-breaking catch here: Club Record Registration Form.

Future competitions page

This page shows the schedule for  2023/24 and also the flyers for each competition. These are published about a month before the competition. 

Schedule for competitions 2023/2024

Leader Board (April 2024)

Fishing competition results (October 2023 to September 2024) page

This page shows a write up for each competition and results. Also some interesting photos.


Mackerel and Bream Barneys cup plus BBQ August 18th 

Next competition Species Hunt July 14th 

Bass Ban on from 1st February to 31st March. During this time no Bass are allowed to be landed. After these dates two fish per day are allowed over 42cm


Prize giving October 14th

Winner of 2023 competitions Dave Abrook

Winner of Barneys Cup Dave Abrook and Alice Chambers (Joint)

Winner of heavies Cod Brian Gorley 


Meeting Minutes 

Fishing meeting club house 8th  September 7pm 

