Rear Commodore Motorboats & Fishing: Mike Harvey
Bob with his thornback caught in April
The East Cowes SC has a very active fishing section with competitions organised for most months. If you fancy entering any of our competitions, take a look at our Fishing League rules
And if you are lucky enough to caught something huge, you might need to record your record-breaking catch here: Club Record Registration Form.
Future competitions page
This page shows the schedule for 2024/25 and also the flyers for each competition. These are published about a month before the competition.
Schedule for competitions 2024/2025
Leader Board (November 2024 of 2024/2025 season )
Fishing competition results (October 2023 to September 2024) page
This page shows a write up for each competition and results. Also some interesting photos.
Fishing social on Monday December 30th. Fishing in the morning for the longest flounder, Start fishing at 8 a.m , weigh in at 12 midday. Social with snacks from midday onwards in clubhouse. Prizes and tackle give away, Please bring drinks. High tide 10.06 Lowtide 16.06
Whiting competition was cancelled due to poor weather
Whiting competition 8th December
Write up for November Cod competition
Cod competition November 10th
Write up for October cod competition
Prize giving November 2nd
Winner of 2024 competitions Dave Abrook
Winner of heaviest Cod Dave Abrook 6lb 8 oz
Winner of Barneys Cup Amelia
Cod competition October 13th using updated rules
Final minutes of September meeting
Safety Note.
It is highly recommended that helmsman and crew of boats wear lifejackets, when leaving the club on their boats. This follows a recent man overboard where the individual wasn’t wearing a lifejacket, but was fortunately ok. Also recommended when anchored boats should display black ball anchor symbol.
Fishing meeting 27th September at 7pm in clubhouse
Results of sole competition
Next competition night sole on September 20th
Results of Barneys cup
Mackerel and Bream Barneys cup plus BBQ August 18th
Next competition Species Hunt July 14th
Bass Ban on from 1st February to 31st March. During this time no Bass are allowed to be landed. After these dates two fish per day are allowed over 42cm
Prize giving October 14th
Winner of 2023 competitions Dave Abrook
Winner of Barneys Cup Dave Abrook and Alice Chambers (Joint)
Winner of heavies Cod Brian Gorley
Meeting Minutes
Fishing meeting club house 8th September 7pm 2023