
Duty Hours Jobs

This club is run and maintained entirely by members who do this for free. No member of the club is paid for anything. We are therefore reliant on the goodwill of members to do at least 10 hours voluntary work for the benefit of the club and other members. The alternative is that you pay a waiver of £75 with your annual membership which means you don’t have to do any work at all. If you fail to do your voluntary work or to pay your waiver you will be charged a levy of £100 at the end of the membership year and you will not be able to renew your membership until this levy is paid. Naturally, if you have a boat on the premises this will have to be removed if you fail to renew your membership. The choice is yours…

Contacts for all jobs: Mike Hockin, Bob Wilson and any Committee Member or contact HonSec.

Job: Clean slipway Main contact: Bob Wilson
Description: The slipway needs to be cleaned regularly to keep it serviceable because mud accumulates very quickly. Please note that Bob maintains a calendar (see below) to coordinate who is doing this on a weekly basis. Before turning up to clean the slipway, make sure that nobody else is already booked to do this work. If you wish to be included in the slipway cleaning teams, please speak to Bob first.
Equipment & Procedure: There is a large hose and pump on the slipway. Drop the strainer into the sea on the hammerhead and roll out the hose which is on the service pontoon. Activate the power to the pump on the lightpost. There are also shovels and brooms in the South Store. If you have not used this equipment before, please ensure you get clear instructions from someone experienced first.
Use the following calendar to see who is working on the slipway on specific days

North Store – Richard Davis (07958 629116) or John Urry (07930 983721)

Job: Painting. Paint internal steelwork with Blackjack. Paint in Bosun’s store including brushes and white spirit. Contact Richard for how to access store.

Central Store – Richard Davis (07958 629116) or John Urry (07930 983721

Job: Painting. Paint outside steelwork with Blackjack. All surfaces first need to be rubbed down with sandpaper or wire brushes prior to painting. Brushes, solvent/cleaner, goggles, gloves, etc., are all in bosun’s store. Ensure that you thoroughly clean-up afterwards and leave all brushes completely clean.
Job: Main doors need furniture refixing. Deadbolt and lock need fixing to doors. Steel cladding needs fixing to the doors This is by the side of the South store and in the North store near the fuse box.
Job: General Tidying. Sweep out boat shed, bosun’s store, stairs (front and back), remove all used materials, return (cleaned) equipment to stores. Make sure you let a committee member know if we have used up anything e.g. sandpaper, paint, gloves, etc.
Note: Please be aware that damp/cold conditions are not ideal for painting so please choose appropriate weather for the type of painting you are doing.

South Store – Bob Spendley

Job: Rendering brickwork Main contact: Richard Davis
Job: Steel staircasing needs to be reinforced against the building wall with an RSJ.
Job: Tidy upstairs. There is no specific requirements here, just find a permanent home for anything that needs it!
Job: Replace rotten floorboards upstairs

Club Room – Pete Badham (07368 821315) or Patty Urry (07968 506157)

Job: Floor cleaning, table and chairs cleaning and tidying, clean kitchen area, remove out of date food/drinks in fridge, clean fridge.
Job: Steelwork underneath the clubroom decking – this needs painting grey with enamel paint. This is also in the Bosun’s store with brushes, etc.
All the cleaning equipment is in the log cupboard to the left of the sink. This include vacuum cleaner, brooms, mops, etc. There is also cleaning equipment under the sink including gloves. Please be careful when handling any chemicals! All the cleaning equipment is in the log cupboard to the left of the sink. This include vacuum cleaner, brooms, mops, etc. There is also cleaning equipment under the sink including gloves. Please be careful when handling any chemicals!

Yard – Richard Davis (07958 629116), Paul Denham (07773 934544), Pete Ball (07465 268148), John Urry (07930 983721).

Job: Tidy timber pile, sweep yard, clear seaweed from slipway and deposit it back into the river via the hammerhead (ideally on an outgoing tide).

Pontoons – Andrew Cleeve (07964 070233)

Job: Wear blocks need fitting, check and replace timber slats, check aluminium cover plates (screwed down), scrub timbers if green. Blue water pipes need to be reclipped to the sea wall
Job: North end of Hammerhead handrail needs refixing to the decking with bolts. These may need tightening or replacing.
Main contact: Richard Davis. Please coordinate with Richard BEFORE starting any of these jobs.
NB: Please be aware that lifejackets should be worn when working on the pontoons whenever there is a possibility of falling into the river. These are kept in the Centre Store.

Toilets – Richard Davis (07958 629116)

Job: Clean all toilets. Cleaning products are in the toilets, toilet paper and soap in cupboard in the lower (gents) toilets

Social Events – Pete Badham (07368 821315) or Patty Urry (07968 506157)

: Set up and take down at each events

DannyH (Support boat) – Mike Harvey (07443 289170).

Moorings – John Urry John Urry (07930 983721)

: Replace pickup buoy strops, replace risers, JU.