*Warning – some of our building might contain asbestos! Click here for advice before doing anything*
It is a mandatory requirement that all Full Members undertake 10 hrs of voluntary work each year for the benefit of the Club, (unless formally exempted or pay a £75 waiver with your membership). Failure to meet this requirement will result in a financial penalty or levy of £100 at the year end (see Rule 21). In addition to this, you will not be able to renew your membership until this £100 is paid. Please also note that unless you are able to renew your membership, you will also have to remove your boat and any other property from the club premises. The Duty Year runs from 1st November to 31st October the following year.
General Notes and Advice concerning Club Maintenance
Members are on trust to undertake tasks which suit their abilities and are encouraged to exercise sensible precautions to ensure their personal safety and that of others, at all times.
Similarly, whilst occasional work parties will be organized and advertised via the Clubs website/e-mail notices, members are encouraged to use their own initiative to identify jobs that need doing and which they are able to undertake; however, the following list of tasks and duties will we hope give direction. If further guidance is required, or materials and tools are required, the Officer overseeing the task should be contacted.
It is the members responsibility to ensure that work undertaken is logged, e.g. either on a task specific website page as for slipway cleaning, or recorded in the paper file located in the Centenary Room, or on a personal log sheet, which can be submitted when completed; as attached to the foot of this document.
In the case of Family and Dual Membership, duties may be shared. However, regardless of who undertakes a given duty, it MUST be logged in the name of the main member, see Rule 6 N.B. (ii) and (iii).
Broadly speaking the different types of duties/tasks fall into 4 categories as follows:-
1. General Tasks – as required on a weekly basis e.g. to maintain the general tidiness of the boat yard or hygiene of the Centenary Room etc. These tasks are completely unsupervised.
2. Planned Maintenance – These tasks are supervised at arm’s length, requires the individual member to take personal responsibility. The task may require some training or materials to be made available. Some of the tasks which come under this heading are more extensive in nature and may require several people to work as a team / co-ordinate their efforts. The designated supervising Club Officer will be given below.
3. Planned Building and Development Projects – These will be directly led by a named Flag Officer, who will take responsibility for planning/scheduling of tasks, co-ordinating those involved and supervising all aspects of the work. The designated supervising Club Officer will be given below.
4. Social – In addition to doing work around the boatyard and premises, we also need people to help out with the social event we run. If you would rather do your 10 hours voluntary work helping out with social events, please contact the Social Team.
General Tasks (Indicative logged hours are given in brackets)
Yard Cleaning:-
• Sweeping the yard to clear discarded rubbish. (Single person 1 to 2 hours variable)
• Clearing the head of the slipways to clear flotsam and seaweed. (½ hour to 1 hour)
• Clearing mud and rubbish from the base of the slipway step leading to the scrubbing pad. (1 hour)
• Cleaning the scrubbing pad, to keep it clear of mud and weed. (½ hour to 1 hour)
Slipway Cleaning:-
• Hosing mud from the full length of the slipway at low water. (2 hours)
• Treating weed growth with chemical. (N.B. This task is potentially dangerous and requires training). (1 hour )
• Clearing mud from the end of the slipway. (N.B. This is a co-ordinated and supervised group task). (2 hours)
• Centenary Room Cleaning:-
• Cleaning the sink and worktops/cupboard tidying. (½ hour to 1 hour)
• Cleaning the tables and keeping the furniture organized etc. (½ hour to 1 hour)
• Hoovering floors (moving furniture etc). (1 hour)
• Washing floors. (1 to 2 hours)
• Inside window cleaning. (1 to 1½ hours)
• Exterior window cleaning. (1 to 2 hours)
• Centenary Room Balcony and exterior Cladding:-
• Cleaning deck furniture. (1 hour)
• Wash and scrub decking. (2 hours)
• Cleaning the balcony glass. (1 to 2 hours)
• Washing cladding down as required. (4 hours – i.e. all sides)
• Toilet/Shower Block: –
• Weekly Cleaning/checking.
Planned/Periodic Maintenance
If you are willing to undertake any of the following, please contact the Vice Commodore House.
Pontoon, Hammerhead and Finger Berths:-
• Checking the articulating joints between sections of pontoon and each finger berth.
• Checking mooring ropes and fendering for wear etc.
• Hazzard checks e.g. raised decking/cover panels.
• Scrubbing decking/removal of algae to maintain surface grip.
• Fore and aft mud berths: –
• Checking of all riser chains/replace as necessary.
• Check tether points of mooring ropes for wear/replace as necessary.
• Check that the yellow Club riser buoys are correctly attached.
• The Esplanade Dinghy Park:-
• Weekly checks – signs of vandalism/weather damage.
• Weeding/rubbish removal.
• Fencing repairs.
• Club Launch:-
• Winter refurbishment tasks – various.
• Antifouling.
• Engine Service.
• Upper and lower doors on both the North and Middle store.
• Rust removal and paining of the lower steel work supporting the Centenary Room.
• Rust removal and painting of the underside steel supports to the Centenary Room and Balcony.
• Painting the Doors and window frames – toilet block and storage sheds.
• Centre store support stanchions – rust removal/treatment and painting (8 in total).
• Decorating the Interior of the Centenary Room – walls.
If you are willing to undertake any of the above, please contact the Vice Commodore House.
Building and Development Projects/Major Refurbishment.
These are all Team Tasks and require some experience, skill and co-ordination. If you are willing to help, please contact the designated Club Officer named below is stated.
Social Events
Please look out for published events/notices requesting assistance. If you can assist, please contact the Rear Commodore Social. From time to time, there are likely to be numerous other jobs/tasks which need to be addressed in order to keep the Clubs facilities and equipment serviceable, (not listed above). If you spot something, please inform the relevant Flag Officer if necessary and if you can, carry out the work and log it in the usual way. Should you require materials, contact the Rear Commodore Stores or Vice Commodore.