Write up and results of 2023/2024 fishing competitions

Fishing competition results

October 22nd 2023 Whiting competition

Report on fishing competition, bonus fish Whiting Sunday 22nd October 2023
This competition was the first of the 20233/24 series and the target species was whiting. This was
fished with the new rules which considered only two of each fish being caught.
Great weather, sunny and little wind. Six boats went out; Lee and Bob in Womble; Richard in Puffin;
Dave in Western Lines; Brian in Jolly Gee ; Mike and Paul in Kaikoura and Dan in Lil Bluz.
Lee headed for Gurnard and Brian headed for Peel Bank. All other boats fished off the Bramble Bank.
Many species were caught, but no Whiting. This is probably because the water temperature was
above 15 deg C (see pic)
Brian caught loads of Bream (see pic), dogfish and smooth hound and was the winner with 190
points. Lee came second 2nd with 167 points, catching Brem, Dogfish and Smooth hound. Bob came
3rd with 128 points, catching a lovely Cod of 5lb 8 oz (see pic) and two Dogfish. Mike cam 4th with
Dogfish and Pout. Richard, Dave, and Paul came equal runners up with 93 points each, catching
Dogfish. Although Richard thought he had caught undersized Whiting, but turned out to be Poor
Cod. Also loads of congers were caught, but not now included.
The next competition will be on Sunday 12th November, the target fish being Cod.

Depth and Temperature off Brians boat2

Brians bream haul

Bobs 5lb 8oz cod

November 11, 2023 Biggest Cod

Report on fishing competition, bonus fish Cod Saturday 11th November 2023
This competition was the second of the 20233/24 series and the target species was Cod. A change of
date from Sunday to Saturday was made, as the weather was better on Saturday.
Great weather, sunny and very little wind. Eight boats went out with 13 people; Lee and Bob in
Womble; Richard in Puffin; Dave in Western Lines; Brian in Jolly Gee ; Mike and Chris K in Kaikoura;
Danny in Kingfisher, James in Meaty B with two crew of Ashton and Joydon; Ray and Paul in Spray.
Most boats headed for the Bramble bank, except Brian who went towards Gurnard.
Dogfish pouting, whiting, Cod and loads of congers were caught. Congers no longer count. Brain was
the winner with a 64cm Cod, (about 5lb) bass and dogfish. He gained 263 points. Bob came joint
second with Dave A with 172 points, catching whiting, pout, and dogfish. Lee came 3rd with 147
points, catching dogfish and whiting. Danny B came 4th with 145 points, with dogfish, pouting and
whiting; James came joint 5th with Chris with 120 points, with dogfish and a whiting; Mike came joint
6th with Ray, Ashton, and Jaydon, with 93 points, with two dogfish; Richard and Paul were joint 7th
with I dogfish worth 47 points,
The next competition will be on Sunday 3rd December, the target fish being Cod.

Brians 5Lb Cod

December 2nd 2023 Biggest Cod

Report on fishing competition, bonus fish Cod Saturday 2nd December 2023
This competition was the third of the 20233/24 series, and the target species again was Cod.
Another change of date from Sunday to Saturday was made, as the weather was better on Saturday.
But Little did we know that the light mist forecast would turn out to be dense fog all day,
Five boats Ventured out with 5 people signing on.
Dave in Western Lines took top honours this time, with a real good session consisting of
A 6lb8oz codling along with 2 of each dogs, whiting, pout and a nice undulate, giving Dave a total of 363.
Lee in Womble took second spot with 2 dogs 2 whiting and a nice 6lb6oz Bass giving Lee a total of 189.
Dan Bonner took Lil bluz down towards gurnard before heading back towards the Cowes area.
giving himself a catch of 2 dogs and a Bass returning him 135 for his efforts,
Brian Gourley in jolly Gee had a tricky day returning just 2 dogs for 93 points, this in turn knocking him off top
spot, but he was quick enough to remind me that form is temporary, and that class is permanent.
if Brian had a sticky day we really need to feel for Danny Bunday on King Fisher , he came up to the club signed on and then headed out towards the east before his engine just died off Norris, he managed to get her restarted and called me to let me know he was heading back in, I offered immediate assistance but he was confident he could limp back to the Corinthian , he called me to let me know he made it back ok and all we can do now is hope we see him on the next comp, the 1 point for signing on seems irrelevant but it may help at the end Who Knows

December 29th Heaviest flonder/social

Report on fishing flounder competition and fishing social, Friday 29th December 2023
This competition and social was held in the morning and prizes were awarded and a buffet
was provided in the afternoon. This competition was a bit of fun and was not meant to be
included in the annual series.
Many thanks to Lee for donating the prizes and Jan for the wonderful buffet spread. Thanks
for Lee and Jans family helping too.
A great turn out with eleven people in their boats some doubling up. Boats went out near
the breakwater and up as far as the Folly. The weather was fairly settled and sunny at times.
All fishermen made it back to the club around 1pm and started tucking into the great buffet,
plus their own beverages.
Prizes were awarded to all, with Danny in Sonic Blue taking first prize with a 1 lb flounder;
2nd was Dave A with a nice 48cm bass caught near the Folly; 3rd was Pat, who caught bass,
pout and a dogfish, 4th was Lee who caught school bass and crabs. Other competitors; Bob,
Brian, Mike, Sean, Richard, Tim and Tom, caught a mixture of pout, school bass and crabs.
A great time had by all.
The next competition is the January cod competition on Sunday 14th January

Great Buffet

Dannys flounder and Daves Bass

January 14th Biggest Cod

Report on fishing competition, bonus fish Cod Sunday 14
th January 2024
This competition was the first of 2024 and the target species was Cod. Great weather, sunny and
very little wind, although quite cold. Six boats went out with 8 people; Lee and Bob in Womble;
Richard in Puffin; Dave in Western Lines; Brian in Jolly Gee ; Mike and Shaun in Kaikoura; Dan in Lil
Most boats headed for the Bramble bank, and Ryde Middle West
Dogfish pouting, whiting, and congers were caught. Joint first place was Mike, Shaun, Lee and Bob,
with 147 points, catching two whiting and two dogfish; followed by Brian with 120 points and joint
third was Richard and Dave with two dogfish with 93 points. Mike also caught a decent whiting of
The next competition will be on Sunday 17th March the target fish being Plaice. No competition in
February. Mike

Mikes 38cm whiting

Report on fishing competition, bonus fish Plaice Sunday 17th March 2024

This competition was the second of 2024 and the target species was Plaice. Weather was a bit blustery and wet to begin with SW winds of 4-5. It cleared up in the afternoon with some warm sunshine, but still blustery.  Six boats went out with 10 people; Dave in Western Lines, Lee with his family Kayley and Harry in Womble; Richard in Puffin; Brian in Jolly Gee ;  Paul with Bob in Monty D; Mike and Lez  in Kaikoura.

Most boats headed East for the shelter of the island near Barton Bay and Peel Bank. Dave, Lee and Mike headed for Hill Head initially.

Plaice, Dogfish, Smooth hound, and Thornback ray were caught. First place was Dave with two plaice of 34 and 28cm and two dogfish giving 279 points; second was Kayley with two dogfish and a Thornback Ray giving 133 points; Joint third with two dogfish giving 93 points was Harry, Lee, Richard, Brian, Pauk, Bob, Mike and Lez.  Lez also caught a smooth hound and Thornback skate, which, unfortunately were both under size.

The next competition will be on Sunday 14th April the target fish being Skate and Ray.


Report on fishing competition, bonus fish Plaice Sunday 17th March 2024

This competition was the second of 2024 and the target species was Plaice. Weather was a bit blustery and wet to begin with SW winds of 4-5. It cleared up in the afternoon with some warm sunshine, but still blustery.  Six boats went out with 10 people; Dave in Western Lines, Lee with his family Kayley and Harry in Womble; Richard in Puffin; Brian in Jolly Gee ;  Paul with Bob in Monty D; Mike and Lez  in Kaikoura.

Most boats headed East for the shelter of the island near Barton Bay and Peel Bank. Dave, Lee and Mike headed for Hill Head initially.

Plaice, Dogfish, Smooth hound, and Thornback ray were caught. First place was Dave with two plaice of 34 and 28cm and two dogfish giving 279 points; second was Kayley with two dogfish and a Thornback Ray giving 133 points; Joint third with two dogfish giving 93 points was Harry, Lee, Richard, Brian, Pauk, Bob, Mike and Lez.  Lez also caught a smooth hound and Thornback skate, which, unfortunately were both under size.

The next competition will be on Sunday 14th April the target fish being Skate and Ray.


Harry with his two dogfish

Kayley with her Thornback skate

Report on fishing competition, bonus fish Ray/Skate Sunday 14th April 2024

This competition was the third of 2024 and the target species was Ray. Weather was cool but sunny for most of the day. This freshened towards the end of the session. A great turn out with seven boats and thirteen people.  Dave in Western Lines, Lee with his family Kayley and Harry in Womble; Richard in Puffin; Brian and Bob in Jolly Gee; Paul with Gabby in Monty D; Mike and Les in Kaikoura and Phill with Les Roswell in D’Jay.

Boats headed all directions including Peel Bank, Hill Head, Thorness Bay and Bramble bank.  

Dogfish, Smooth hound, Conger eels, Bream, Whiting, Pout, Thornback and Spotted ray were caught. First place was Dave with one Thornback of 54cm, two bream, two dogfish and two smooth hound  giving 353 points; second was Bob  with two thornback and two dogfish giving 298 points; third was Lee with two dogfish and two smooth hound  giving 195 points; forth was Les Nash with two dogfish and a spotted ray, giving 173 points; joint fifth was Paul and Kaylee with two dogfish and a whiting giving 120 points; sixth was Les Roswell with two dogfish and a pouting; Runners up were Mike,  Harry, Gabby,  Richard, Brian and Phill with dogfish.  

The next competition will be on Sunday 28th May the target fish being Smooth hound.


Les with his spotted Ray Bob with one of his Thornback

Report on Smooth hound competition May 25th

Report on fishing competition, bonus fish Smooth hound Saturday 25th May 2024

This competition was changed last minute from Sunday to Saturday, due to poor weather forecast for Sunday. Weather sunny and calm to start, but the south easterly wind picked up about midday. A good turn out with five boats and eight people, despite the last minute change and other events on..

  Lee with Bob in Womble; Brian with Leigh in R and R; Paul in Monty D; Dan in Lil Blutz; Mike and Les in Kaikoura.  

Boats headed all directions including Newtown, Gurnard, Castle Point and Bramble bank.

Dogfish, Smooth hound, Conger eels, Bass and mackerel were caught. First place was Dan with two Smooth hound of 109cm and 100cm   giving 419 points; second was Bob  with a smooth hound of 80cm and two dog fish giving 253 points; third was  with  Les with a Smooth hound of 75cm and two  dogfish giving 243 points; forth was Mike with a smooth hound of 80 cm (8lb) and a dogfish giving 207 points; fifth was Brian with two dogfish and a decent Bass giving 135 points; sixth was Paul  with a  dogfish and Mackerel giving 67 points; Runners up was Lee Silk with a dogfish and Lee Pragnel with an undersized bass.  

The next competition will be on Sunday 23rd May the target fish being Bass

Report On Bass competition June 23rd

Report on fishing competition, bonus fish Bass Sunday 23rd June 2024

Weather sunny and calm to start, but the south westerly wind picked up about midday. An average turn out with four boats and six people, despite the festival weekend.

  Lee Womble; Brian in Jolly Gee; Paul and Mike in Monty D; Phill and Bob in D’Jay.  

Boats headed all directions west and east and in harbour.

Bream, Dogfish, Smooth hound, mackerel were caught, BUT NO bass over the size limit of 42cm.

First place was Brian with a bream, two dogfish and a smooth hound with 167 points; second was Lee  with two smooth hound and a mackerel, with 123 points; third was Phil with two dogfish giving 93 points;  joint forth was Bob, Paul and Mike with 1 point and no fish above size limit.  

The next competition will be on Sunday 14rd  July , which is an all species hunt, where two of each species can be caught and recorded as minimum size.

Report on fishing competition, bonus fish Bass Sunday 23rd June 2024

Weather sunny and calm to start, but the south westerly wind picked up about midday. An average turn out with four boats and six people, despite the festival weekend.

  Lee Womble; Brian in Jolly Gee; Paul and Mike in Monty D; Phill and Bob in D’Jay.  

Boats headed all directions west and east and in harbour.

Bream, Dogfish, Smooth hound, mackerel were caught, BUT NO bass over the size limit of 42cm.

First place was Brian with a bream, two dogfish and a smooth hound with 167 points; second was Lee  with two smooth hound and a mackerel, with 123 points; third was Phil with two dogfish giving 93 points;  joint forth was Bob, Paul and Mike with 1 point and no fish above size limit.  

The next competition will be on Sunday 14rd  July , which is an all species hunt, where two of each species can be caught and recorded as minimum size.

Report on fishing competition, species Sunday 14th July 2024

Weather sunny and calm to start, but the south westerly wind picked up to a force 4 early afternoon A great turn out with 9 boats and 12 people, with Clive and Paul newcomers to competitions. The idea of this competition was to catch as many species as possible, (two of each) at or over size limit, with points given as minimum size in cm

  Dan in Lil Blur; Dave in Western Lines; Brian in Jolly Gee; Clive and Paul in Adventurer; Mike in Kaikoura; Shaun in Sea Wolf; Phill, Bob and Les in D’Jay;  Richard in Puffin; Paul in Monty D.

Boats headed all directions west and east and in harbour.

Bass, Bream, Dogfish, Smooth hound, Pout, Mackerel,  Scad mackerel and wrasse were caught

First place was Dave A  with two bass, two mackerel and  two scad mackerel, with 175 points; Second place was Dan with two bream and two smooth hound giving 149 points; third was Brian with a dogfish, one smooth hound, and two scad mackerel giving 148 points;  forth was Clive with two Bream and two dogfish giving 139 points;. fifth was Mike with one bream and two dogfish, giving 116 points; sixth was Shaun with a bream, pouting and scad mackerel, giving 74 points. Bob was seventh with a bream and smooh hound giving 75 points; eighth was Les with a smooth hound, giving 52 points; ninth was Richard, with two scad mackerel giving 51 points; tenth was Paul H, with a bream and ballen wrasse giving 42 points; eleventh was Paul with a bream, giving 24 points; Phil was a runner up.

The next competition will be the Barneys Cup longest Mackerel competition on Sunday 18th  August. This will not go towards the final end of season points, but will be a separate fun for all competition with a BBQ after. It was decided also to include the longest bream, to add to the BBQ, watch emails and gate notice board.

Mike with bunting, hopeful for the match and the fishing

Clive’s strange looking lice attached to the bream

Clive and Paul in Adventurer

Phil, Bob and Les in D’ Jay