As you may be aware, Malcolm Shaylor, has stood down as Coordinator for the support boat, Danny H and we are very grateful for all the help he has given us in the past. Mike Harvey has volunteered to take over the role of Coordinator, and he is keen to create a group of members to act as either Coxswain or crew for the coming season. We already have a number of volunteers from last season, but it would be great to add more members to help. John Barnes has offered to run ‘short’ familiarisation training and conduct a boat handling course to ensure all users are competent. Nothing too formal, but an opportunity to gain a new skill. The role of the boat is two fold:
Firstly, to act as a Committee Boat when race courses are shortened by the Race Officers and secondly to act as support i.e. if a boat has problems and needs a tow up the river.
Crew are needed from 17.30 to about 20.30 on Thursday evening and in the Autumn from about 10.00 to 13.00 on a Sunday.
This is a good opportunity to help the Club and meet other members.
If you are interested, please contact Mike Harvey at (email: